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Bank Identification Number (BIN) checker

How to check Bank Identification Number (BIN)?

BINs & Credit cards

Online eCommerce has been a big thing in internet era. Everyone now prefers to buy online rather than going to store. The easy payment methods help them to enjoy buying online. They don’t need to pay cash, just use credit card and everything will be sent to your house. Submit your 16 digits on your credit card and also the expiry data and three numbers behind the card. You don’t need to go to the ATM or using internet banking to transfer and then submit the number of bank account. When the payment is so flexible, it is good for the buyer, but it is bigger work for sellers because they need to be so careful to verify whether it is scam or not when customers submit the numbers. They need Bank Identification Number (BIN) checker (check this site for fake credit card makers by BIN number to understand more) and then match the details to customers’ details including the name and address. There is big database that can tells the details of the card owner and then shop will verify the data. They also can check whether the card is used by other persons. There is super soft-ware that could be used to verify the data by submitting the BIN. Then you may wonder how to check it using bank identification number checker? Here are the steps you need to follow.

Steps to follow

The first thing when you want to check the BIN of a card, you have to have the card itself to check the BIN. You can get the data as your customers usually will give the details of your credit card like 16 digits, expiry date and also three numbers behind your card. Go to the free site of Identification Number (BIN) checker, there is simple step when you can only go to the software and try every account or number who purchases your product. You can verify by seeing the name of the customers and also the BIN. Free BIN checker usually only comes with simple UI and you just need to submit the 16 digits, expiry date and also the three numbers behind the back card.

All of the digits tell different information like the issuer, country and also address. When you have all of the information from there, you can match the details with the buyers. When you found something strange on the details, you could do more research. There have been so many software. They could have helped most of online shops that use credit card as their payment method to identify the data.